Subject Reference No. Date

CSE: Exam schedule, 212 term blinking

BOU/ exam/ cse/ 504 (01)/ 2014/ 1616 22/05/2023
BEd: Revised Teaching practice exam schedule, 2022 batch blinking

BOU/ soe/ bed/  2 (70)/ 03/ 247 16/05/2023
CLP: Exam schedule, 231 term blinking

131/ BOU/ exam/ clp/ 99/ part-3/ 1554 15/05/2023
CPFP: Exam schedule, 231 term blinking

130/ BOU/ exam/ cpfp/ 99/ 1553 15/05/2023
BBA: Viva-Voce schedule, 202 semester blinking

BOU/ sob/ 2023/ 12091 11/05/2023
DCSA: Revised Exam schedule, 212 & 211 term blinking

BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (03)/ 2006/ 1413 07/05/2023
MDMR: Exam schedule, 231 term blinking

BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (03)/ 2017/ 1385 02/05/2023
BFSN: Exam schedule, 222 term, 1st semester blinking

BOU/ exam/ sst/ bfsn/ 2020/ 649/ 1381 02/05/2023
HSC (Niche-2): Exam schedule, 2022 blinking

BOU/ exam/ hsc(niche-2)/ international/ 622/ 2019/ 1341 16/04/2023
DCSA: Exam schedule, 212 & 211 term blinking

BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (03)/ 2006/ 1335 16/04/2023
SSC (Overseas, Niche-2): Exam schedule, 1st & 2nd year, 2022 blinking

BOU/ exam/ ssc (niche-2)/ international/ 659/ 2021/ 1163 10/04/2023
CEMBA/ CEMPA: Exam schedule, 201 term blinking

226/ BOU/ exam/ cemba/ cempa/ goponiyo/ 2003/ 1264 10/04/2023
MBA (Bangla Medium): Notice of Internship/Thesis Viva exam blinking

BOU/ sss/ mba/ bangla (medium)/ admission notice/ 09/18/2018/02/ 221 05/04/2023
SSC: Exam schedule, 1st & 2nd year 2023 blinking

BOU/ exam (ssc)/ schedule/ 106/ 97/ 1078 03/04/2023
MBA: Revised Exam schedule, 201 term blinking

127/ BOU/ exam/ mba/ part-3/ 99/ 1041 30/03/2023
BA (Hons), BSS (Hons) & LLB(Hons): Re-exam notice blinking

BOU/ sshl-3(25)/ 2011/ 7370 27/03/2023
MPH: Exam schedule, 222 term, 1st semester 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603 (01)/ 2018/ 885 16/03/2023
MBA: Exam schedule, 201 term 

127/BOU/ exam/ mba/ part-3/ 99/ 820 13/03/2023
MPH: Exam schedule, 221 term, 4th semester 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603(01)/ 2018 13/03/2023
BBA (Bangla Medium): Revised exam schedule, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ bba (bangla medium)/ 673 (01)/ 2022/ 767 07/03/2023
BEd: Revised exam schedule, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ bed/ (tqi)/ 330/ 2009/ 757 06/03/2023
BBA (Bangla Medium): Exam schedule & Center list, 222 term 

646/ BOU/ exam/bba (bangla medium)/ 2020/ 740 02/03/2023
BEd: Changed exam center, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ bed/ 330/ 2009/ 638 26/02/2023
MCCJ: Exam schedule, 222 term 

674/ BOU/ exam/ mccj/ 2022/ 623 23/02/2023
MBA (Bangla Medium): Notice of Internship/thesis viva exam, 211 term 

BOU/ sss/ mba/ bangla (medium)/ gena/ 37 (2)/ 21/ 90 12/02/2023
BEd: Exam schedule, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ bed (tqi)/ 330/ 2009/ 531 12/02/2023
CEd: Exam center list, 162 term 

BOU/ exam/ ced/ gen: commu:/ 118/ 98/ 510 09/02/2023
BBA (Bangla Medium): Exam schedule & center list, 221 term

646/ BOU/ exam/ bba (bangla medium)/ 2020/ 465 06/02/2023
MS in Agricultural Sciences: Exam schedule, 222 term 

BOU/ exam/ sard/ ms/ 607/ 2018/ 460 06/02/2023
MSARL: Exam schedule, 222 term & 212 term

BOU/ exam/ msarl/ exam schedule/ 641/ 2019/ 459 06/02/2023
CEd: Exam schedule, 162 term 

BOU/ exam/ ced/ gen: communi:/ 118/ 98/ 386 30/01/2023
BBA: Exam schedule, 202 term 

301/ BOU/ exam/ bba/ general/ 2007/ 174 10/01/2023
MDMR: Exam schedule, 222 term 

BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571(03)/ 2017/ 107 08/01/2023
BA & BSS (Hons.): Revised exam schedule (LAW 104), 211 term 

435/ BOU/ exam/ hons./ 2012/ 99 02/01/2023
BA & BSS: Revised exam venue (Exam date: 30/12/2022 & 31/12/2022) 

182/ BOU/ exam/ ba/ bss/ 2001/ 3965 20/12/2022
PGDMU: Revised exam schedule, 221 & 222 term 

BOU/ exam/ pgdmu/ 611 (01)/ 2018/ 3907 18/12/2022
BFSN: Exam schedule, 221 term

BOU/ exam/ sst/ bfsn/ 2020/ 649/ 3905 18/12/2022
BAgEd: Exam schedule, 202 term 

94/ BOU/ exam/ baged/ 97/ 3856 12/12/2022
MPH: Revised Exam schedule, 221 term 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603(02)/ 2018/ 3753 05/12/2022
PGDMU: Exam schedule, 221 & 222 term 

BOU/ exam/ pgdmu/ 611(01)/2018/ 3646 27/11/2022
CPFP: Exam schedule, 222 term 

131/ BOU/ exam/ clp/ 99/ part-3/ 3430 08/11/2022
CLP:Exam schedule, 222 term 

131/ BOU/ exam/ clp/ 99/ part-3/ 3429 08/11/2022
MPH: Exam schedule, 221 term 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603(01)/ 2018/ 3404 03/11/2022
MDMR: Exam schedule, 222 term 

BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571(03)/ 2017/ 3403 03/11/2022
MBA (Bangla Medium): Exam notice, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ mba-1/ 365 26/10/2022
MCCJ: Exam schedule, 221 term 

674/ BOU/ exam/ mccj/ 2022/ 3261 24/10/2022
BA, BSS & LLB (Hons.): Exam schedule, 211 term 

435/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ 2012/ 3180 17/10/2022
MA & MSS: Exam schedule, (Preliminary- 211 term & Final-201 term) 

545/ BOU/ exam/ ma/ mss/ 2016/ 3184(2) 17/10/2022
MBA (Bangla Medium): Exam center list, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ mba (bangla medium)/ 365(2)/2019/ 3155 (1) 18/10/2022
CSE: Exam schedule, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ cse/ 504(01)/ 2014/ 3141 13/10/2022
DCSA: Exam schedule, 211 term & 202 term 

BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (03)/ 2006/ 3134 13/10/2022
MBA (Bangla Medium): Exam schedule, 211 term

BOU/ exam/ mba-1/ 365/ 2945 29/09/2022
SSC (Niche-1): Exam schedule, 2022 

BOU/ exam/ hsc (niche-1)/ 503 (03)/ 2014/ 2792 19/09/2022
HSC (Niche-1): Exam schedule, 2022 

BOU/ exam/ hsc (niche-1)/ 503 (03)/ 2014/ 2792 19/09/2022
BA & BSS: Exam schedule, 2020 

182-ka/ BOU/ exam/ ba/ bss/ 2001/ 2739 14/09/2022
MEd: Exam schedule, 202 term

BOU/ exam/ med/ 143/ 1999/ 2701 13/09/2022
HSC: Revised exam schedule-2022  (Date: 22/010/2022) 

177/ BOU/ exam/ hsc/ schedule/ 2398 06/09/2022
PGDM/ CIM: Exam schedule, 202 term 

BOU/ exam/ pgdm/ 675/ 2022/ 2378 01/09/2022
BBA: Revised exam venue, 201 term 

299/ BOU/ exam/ bba/ goponiyo/ 2007/ part-2/ 2640 30/08/2022
CPCL: Exam schedule, January-June, 2022

BOU/ exam/ chinese language/ 549/ 2016/ 2627 29/08/2022
MBA: Exam schedule, 192 term 

127/ BOU/ exam/ mba/ part-3/ 99/ 2622 29/08/2022
CEMBA/ CEMPA: Exam schedule, 192 term 

226/ BOU/ exam/ cemba/ cempa/ goponiyo/ 2003/ 2515 25/08/2022
MPH: Exam Schedule, 211 term 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603(01)/ 2018/ 2457 21/08/2022
HSC: Exam schedule, 2022 

177/ BOU/ exam/ hsc/ schedule/ 2389 17/08/2022
BBA: Exam schedule, 201 term 

301/ BOU/ exam/ bba/ general/ 2007/ 2391 17/08/2022
BBA (Bangla Medium): Exam schedule-2021, 212 term 

646/ BOU/ exam/ bba (bangla medium)/ 2020/ 2311 10/08/2022
MS & MSARL: Exam notice, 2022 semester 

BOU/ sard/ 469 08/08/2022
BBS: Exam schedule, 2020 

BOU/ exam/ bbs/ 313/ 2008/ 2193 04/08/2022
SSC: Revised schedule, 1st & 2nd year, 2022 

BOU/ exam (ssc)schedule/ 106/ 97/ 2101 31/07/2022
BA(Hons), BSS(Hons), LLB(Hons): 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th & MA, MSS(1st & last part): 1st semester exam notice 

BOU/ sshl-3(33) /2012/ 6750 31/07/2022
MS in Agricultural Sciences: Exam schedule, 2022 term 

BOU/ exam/ sard/ ms/ 607/ 2018/ 1973 19/07/2022
MSARL: Exam schedule, 2021 & 2022 term 

BOU/ exam/ msarl/ exam schedule/ 641/ 2019/ 1972 19/07/2022
MDMR: Exam schedule, 221 term 

BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571(03)/ 2017/ 1942 04/07/2022
CSE: Exam schedule, 202 term 

BOU/ exam/ cse/ 504(01)/ 2014/ 1937 04/07/2022
CPFP: Exam schedule, 221 term 

130/ BOU/ exam/ cpfp/ 99/ 1894 28/06/2022
CLP: Exam schedule, 221 term 

131/ BOU/ exam/ clp/ 99/ part-3/ 1893 28/06/2022
BAgEd: Revised exam schedule, 201 term 

BOU/ exam/ baged (general communication)/97/ 1892 28/06/2022
MPH: Revised exam schedule, 212 term 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603(01)/ 2018/ 18836 27/06/2022
BFSN & MDMR: Exam notice 

BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603(01)/ 2018/1825 21/06/2022
SSC, BAgEd, MPH, BFSN, MDMR: Exam postponed notice 

BOU/ exam/ ssc/ 01/ 96/ 1798 19/06/2022
MDMR & MPH: Exam postponed notice 

N/A 19/06/2022
SSC: Exam postponed notice 

N/A 19/06/2022
MDMR: Exam schedule, 221 term, 1st year

BOU/exam/ mdmr/ 571(03)/ 2017/ 1783 16/06/2022
MA (Last part), Honors:  Viva voce schedule (Philosophy) 

BOU/ sshl-0303(37)/ 2011/ 6658 12/06/2022
SSC: Exam schedule, 1st & 2nd year, 2022 

BOU/ exam (ssc)/ schedule/ 106/ 97/ 1579 01/06/2022