ISSN : 2664-3464



Editorial Board, Chief Editor’s Note & Contents

1. Title Livestock production systems and their distribution pattern in Bangladesh: A review

M. A. Hamid

School of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bangladesh Open University

Abstract The present study attempts to examine the scenario of production systems and distribution pattern of livestock in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the present milk, meat and egg production can meet only 50.23%, 87.23% and 63.65% of the national demand. The demand for milk, meat, egg and their products have been expanding dramatically with income growth, population growth, urbanization and dietary changes. Now it is emerging to increase the medium and high input production systems to meet the increasing demand. Presently, the number of crossbred cattle has been expanding to improve milk and meat production at both smallholder and commercial level. In case of poultry, the commercial farming system has got higher growth than native chicken which is still raised under low input system. This review has tried to unearth the present scenario of livestock production systems, the distribution pattern of production systems and also the strategies for development of livestock sector in Bangladesh.  

2. Title Groupwork at undergraduate level English classes to improve speaking skill: A case study of Tongi Govt. College

Farzana Alam

Assistant Professor of English and OSD Officer on Deputation

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE)

Abstract This study focuses on group work as a teaching technique practiced at undergraduate level English classes at Tongi Govt. College in Gazipur with the assumption - if the undergraduate level students practice English speaking inside the class and in a real-life situation it can improve their communication skills and add some confidence in them to go for external exposure. The study was conducted on 100 undergraduate students of English class following classroom observation technique and using the questionnaire as a research tool. Results show that during group work students feel that they are not alienated from other learners in the class. Group activity makes them feel positive that they are fairly treated, and they come forward to help other learners in the class. The present study will help advance our understanding of group work and its effectiveness in education as a technique for learning and teaching English as a second language in Bangladesh. 

3. Title Yield and Its Attributes of Near-isogenic Lines of Durum Wheat with Tall and Semi-dwarf Genetic Background

M. A. Haque

School of Agriculture and Rural Development

Bangladesh Open University

Abstract Since the deployment of the Rht (Reduced height) genes, the major wheat cultivars became semi-dwarf rather standard. It was necessary to develop near-isogenic lines (NILs) of semi-dwarf cultivars and to re-assess the introduced genes. The effects of introduced genes were found of black glume, hiary glume, non- glacousness and long glume on yield and its associated characteristics in near-isogenic line of durum wheat in tall and semi-dwarf genetic background. It was evident that there no significant interaction between reduced height genes (Rht-B1a and Rht-B1b) and introduced genes. The hairy glume (Hg) gene increased grain yield, however, P1 and P2 genes for long glume, Iw1 and w1 genes for non-glaucousness and Bg for black glume (Bg) reduced number of spikes and grain yield.  Semi-dwarf NILs showed less number of spikes and less upper ground biomass than tall NILs. Although semi dwarf NILs produced less upper ground biomass than tall NILs, higher harvest index relatively compensated to yield. However, it assumed that the compensation was not enough to be equal to yield of tall NILs. Rht-B1b gene had adverse effects on upper ground biomass. Semi-dwarf genes in durum wheat might be important role to optimization of seed rates in wheat production. 

4. Title Gender Inequality in Employment in a Global Context: An Analysis with Special Reference to Bangladesh

Md. Mamin Ullah

Assistant Professor, Department of Management

University of Barishal

Abstract Gender differences in access to employment opportunities are frequently debated around the world. Pressures are being created for integrating half of the world’s talent into development policies towards the roads of sustainable development and a society with gender equality. In addition to giving a focus on strategy building for calling actions to accelerate progress towards gender equality, this paper aims to evaluate the gender inequality in employment in a global context with special reference to Bangladesh. A critical review of working papers, research articles, books, monographs, strategic papers, facts and findings of national and international organizations has revealed that gender gap exists in almost all dimensions of employment in all over the world. However, the extent is more concerning for developing countries like Bangladesh. This paper is the analytical reflection with lessons for practices. Policy implications and research agenda are outlined.  

5. Title Information Communication Technology and Social Change: A Study on the Cybercafé` Users in Mymensingh Town

Md. Abdus Sattar

Assistant Professor (Sociology), Open School

 Bangladesh Open University

Md. Jahid Hasan

Sub-registrar, Ministry of Law

Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Bangladesh

Abstract Information communication and technology is growing very fast all over the world. The people of Bangladesh especially the younger generation is very familiar with information communication and technology based activities. Most of the young people who live in satellite or peripheral city are connected with internet-based social media and their ideas, beliefs, values sometimes affected by such type of communication. Thus, this study aimed to know the socio-cultural changes among the people who go to cybercafé. It also focused on the activities of the cybercafé users of Mymensingh town. 

6. Title Exploring the Impact of Cultural Globalization on the Changing Social Values of Young Generation: A Study on Noagoan Village, Gazipur District

Md. Kabirul Hasan

Lecturer (Political Science)

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Languages (SSHL)

Bangladesh Open University

Abstract Cultural globalization refers to the expansion and intensification of cultural flows around the world. The cultural side has been greatly affected by the globalization including all its cultural elements and components, be they language, religion, customs and traditions, arts, literature and individual and societal attitudes. This paper is made mainly on cultural changes focusing the impact on moral values and lifestyle of young people. The study finds the domination of global (western) cultural on young people that erode cultural heritage and moral values of their own. The specific objective of the study is to analyze how cultural globalization rapidly transforms the social values and living pattern in the life of young people in Bangladesh. This paper is followed by methodological triangulation. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are used for developing this paper. Interview tool is used for collecting primary data; most of the data is mainly collected from secondary sources (books, reports, published research studies, newspaper, articles, seminar papers, documents available in the internet). The study findings would be helpful for the young people to be aware about the cultural homogenization in the age of globalization. At the same time the developing countries will able to aware about the impact of cultural globalization and will able to preserve their cultural heritages or self-identities more important for one’s national development. 

7. Title Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices in National NGOs of Bangladesh: Problems and Suggestions

Dr. Md. Mayenul Islam

Professor, School of Business

Bangladesh Open University

Abstract Human Resource Management (HRM) is very important in an organization especially in NGO sector. Many issues arise in the organizations which need to be resolved and HR managers are the persons who resolve these problems. The study analyzes the HRM functions practiced by selected national NGOs of Bangladesh towards improving their better services in future that can contribute to the economic development of Bangladesh and finds out the major problems faced by the national NGOs in Bangladesh regarding HRM practices. The sample of the study, selected using a random number table, consisted of 40 respondents from two national NGO’s. The study reveals that national-level NGOs made average practices of HR functions resulted in employees’ good performance. The study identifies nonscientific and vague policy’, among others, as the main problem of HRM practices in national NGOs. The study also suggests the ways to overcome the identified problems. 

8. Title Inclusive Education Through Open and Distance Learning: Strategy For Empowering Soldiers In Bangladesh Army

Professor Sabina Yeasmin

Dean, Open School

Bangladesh Open University

Abstract In the light of ever-changing social and economic demands, education is now perceived as a critical force in contributing towards human capital development. This article explores the potentialities of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) programs for the soldiers of Bangladesh Army under Bangladesh Open University. The findings of this article suggest that coordination, institutional capacity, technological improvement, training and utilization of resources are the main forces that can drive both the organizations to contribute for mass people especially men in uniform in the education, employment and other events. The study concludes that this scope will provide the soldier-learners a chance to increase enrolment, study and subsequently catch up academically with their counterparts. As a whole, it will significantly affect their access to basic education. This paper basically based on secondary sources. A desk review of related documents is conducted to collect data. The results of this study will help the policymakers to take necessary initiatives regarding to this issue. 

9. Title কৃষিতে নারীর সম্পৃক্ততা: পরিবর্তনশীল গ্রামীণ অর্থনীতি

মো: আবদুর রহমান

সহকারী অধ্যাপক, নৃবিজ্ঞান বিভাগ, কুমিল্লা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

মো: সাইমন সরকার

নৃবিজ্ঞানী ও গবেষক

Abstract বর্তমানে গ্রামাঞ্চলের পুরুষরা অধিক উপার্জনের আশায় শহর কেন্দ্রিক বিভিন্ন পেশায় যুক্ত হচ্ছেফলে তাদের পারিবারিক খাদ্য ও চাহিদা পূরনের জন্য নারীদের বিভিন্ন ধরনের কৃষি কাজে যুক্ত হতে হচ্ছে। আমাদের গবেষণা এলাকা কুমিল্লা জেলার দেবিদ্বার উপজেলার রসুলপুরগ্রাম। এখানকার নারীরা গবাদি পশুপালন, মৎস্য  চাষ,শাক-  সবজিচাষ, পারিবারিক খামার প্রতিষ্ঠা, পানচাষ ও ফসল উত্তোলনসহ আরো অনেক সেক্টরেই পরোক্ষভাবে অংশগ্রহণ করছে। কৃষি কাজে যুক্ত হওয়ার ফলে নারীরা যে আর্থিক ভাবে লাভবান হচ্ছে তা লক্ষ্যনীয়।পূর্বে নারীরা পুরোপুরি পুরুষের উপর নির্ভর করলেও বর্তমানে তা পরিবর্তন হচ্ছে। পর্যবেক্ষণ, অনানুষ্ঠানিক সাক্ষাৎকার ও কেইস স্টাডি পদ্ধতির মাধ্যেমে এই গবেষণাটি করা হয়েছে।আমরা দেখেছি যে সব নারীরা অর্থনৈতিক ভাবে স্বাবলম্বিতা অর্জন করেছে তারা শিক্ষা, বিয়ে, সন্তানের ভবিষ্যৎ ও সামাজিক কর্মকান্ডে মতামত দিতে পারছে।পুরুষতান্ত্রিক সমাজ ব্যবস্থা নারীর এই কাজকে স্বীকৃতি দিতে চায়না কিন্তু গবেষণায় দেখেছি যে, নারীরা সুযোগ সুবিধা পেলে পরিবার, সমাজ ও দেশের অর্থনীতিতে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা রাখতে পারে।